50 cent could make a living off trolling his peers. Who wouldn't watch Fif' interfere with the lives of those around him if it were formatted for a thirty-minute television show? Although he does have 50 Central, the G-unit creator does much more hilarious damage in the real world. Earlier this week, Fif' took shots at Ashanti for canceling a show after only 24 tickets were sold to the event. In the now deleted post, 50 wrote, "Do Basement parties then it can still feel like it’s lit," trolling the minuscule amount of fans that would have attended. Ashanti responded to the rapper, which of course prompted him to continue to troll Ashanti's record label as a whole
After he posted a tongue-in-cheek promotion for Ja Rule's concert, where tickets were going for only $15, Fif took it up a notch. Instead of simply promoting the deal for others, Fif' decided to capitalize on the affordable tickets by buying 200 of them himself. "Lol at $15 a pop you can’t lose, I got 200 tickets for 3 bands," wrote Fif' on an Instagram post revealing his scheme. The tickets were a part of a Groupon special, which isn't exactly a lucrative place for an artist to acquire tour funds. There's little doubt that a Ja Rule clap back is being created at this very moment.