MUSIC: MS ANN ||LemuelKnight


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The worst day in School

About a decade ago nine years precisely I was in secondary ICSS a Catholic school in Beehive, I wasn't a very good student academically I was just average but I enjoyed my school days so much because I was always surrounded with great friends and we always made things happen  it was FUN in school because of the cycle of friends around me the experience was incredibly incredible I must say.
Great teachers, good students, a fairly conducive environment too plus the ATBU PTF BUS experience was just another school on it's own, going and coming back was lot of Fun.

Everything was alright until I was caught in a mix up with Ms. Ann I actually consider that day the worst day in School. I was molested, shamed, humiliated and I felt sorry for myself especially for my retaliation. As I grow Older I understand I was terribly wrong for fighting back I regret my actions immensely and I wish I could take time back I would have done better with an instant decision and reaction but that will never happen so I decide the best way to move on is to make something positive off the incidence.
CLICK HERE TO download I was asked to leave school and it was just my final year first team, it was hard cos I have built my world around the shurs of that school and all I ever thought of is what I was going to do in school the next day. My world was empty the void was wide my family actually didn't make a big deal of the situation but at some point I was reminded I was not in school and as far as my Pops is concern we don't have a deal, nothing actually made sense. I was left with only the Streets and OES (a play station centre in my neighbourhood), am sure that explains why the streets means a lot to me,
everything was clear on the streets I understood more about life and things I will never be thought in school, was hanging out with way older folks i just learnt a great deal by just listening to them, so many other blessings came through
 I have never said this to anyone but I have a very good friend John Sani Zubairu (Bazge)
He would show up to my house every weekend so we could study, he brought notes from school he knew I didn't have them he will explain and put me through ask me to copy (his terrible handwriting Lol) he was a great teacher so I didn't miss much of the academic lessons.
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So what am trying to point out here is sometimes we are caught in a bad rush and it might seems like the world is against us but we should always remember God is faithful and will always be, we just have to trust him to know when he's sending us a rescue track.


I wrote a verse about this and it's entitled
I will drop the piece on Monday  4th September
I pray you relate to my story

Sincerely Yours


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